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Revitalising communities and saving our planet through new thinking.

We’re a society in crisis.

CO2 emissions threaten to jeopardise the future of life as we know it.

The gap between rich and poor grows ever greater.

Housing provision for our poorest communities is inadequate and often dangerous.

And entire towns and villages simply exist, from one generation to the next, without opportunities to thrive, without jobs, with little chance of change.

It’s time to find a new way to do things. One that offers a good future, for everyone.

Ecor is that way.

9 years to 1.5ºC

At current rates it will take just 9 years to reach 1.5˚C

The Ecor way

Our approach is revolutionary, combining the urgent need for carbon-responsible construction with the need to return the spark to some of our most deprived communities.

We have designed a low carbon, modular, brick and SIP panel manufacturing system. For new low energy consumption homes and for upgrading existing poorly insulated houses.

It has plant based crops including hemp at its heart. Because these capture carbon even quicker than trees, giving us a rapid route to reduced emissions. We’ll incentivise farmers in our most deprived regions to grow industrial hemp as their key crop. And in on-site processing units, the hemp will be turned into modular building materials and blocks, to be used locally.

For communities that need jobs and social housing, our idea creates both: raw materials are grown and harvested locally and processed on site by local people. The building materials they’ll be making will comply with building regulations. And they can be used to upgrade existing buildings, too.

Jobs will be created right where they’re most needed: growing, harvesting, processing, distributing and building. And homes will be built where they’re most needed, too, using the sustainable materials they’ve manufactured.

Communities will prosper again, giving people hope, pride and homes.

What are we waiting for?

We will absorb millions of tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Why choose our way?

We will…

…engage the finest sustainability research and development minds in the UK, people who’ll help us develop and scrutinise the entire process, helping us lead the way;

…prevent a million tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere and slash emissions across the construction industry, where change has been too slow;

…revitalise our agricultural economy by producing not just a crop, but a market for it, too;

…create jobs and homes in communities where there were none, and giving people and communities a sense of hope and a chance to thrive;

…offer immediate impact upon the CO2 emissions that threaten life as we know it, for all of us.

It’s new thinking, for new prosperity.